zhlédnutíIn this Crusader Kings 2 let’s play, using the Game of Thrones Mod, I play as Prince Rhaegar Targaryen during Robert’s Rebellion. Playlist: - Game of Thrones Mod - Robert’s Rebellion #1 - Crown…. zhlédnutíThe Wall has fallen and now the Others invade the North. The goal of this campaign is to restore the banks of oCK2 Game of Thrones - Jon Stark #2 - Winter Is Coming - YouTube.

20176 601 zhlédnutíIn this Crusader Kings 2 series, using the Game of Thrones mod, I play as an orphan of the Greenblood. The dragonlords were slaughtered in the Free Cities and Aenar the exile of house Targaryen has cowaCK2 Game of Thrones - Rhoynar Restoration #1 - Fresh Start…. The Doom consumed the greatest civilization in the world.